Lower thirds are an important part of many different types of videos. 50+ Best Premiere Pro Lower Thirds Templates These templates are easy to edit and they allow you to produce more professional-looking videos for your channel. You can get started by downloading a few Premiere Pro Instagram video templates from the collection below. Needless to say, having a video content plan with great-looking designs and animations is crucial for not just brands and businesses but for all types of Instagram influencers. What’s more important is that 50% of users admit to visiting a website to buy a product after seeing a video on Instagram Stories. According to recent stats, 91% of active users on Instagram watch videos every week. Video is arguably the most effective content format for driving engagements and sales.

However, the accounts with a proper video marketing strategy are always on the lead. Instagram has grown into a massive social platform where everyone has to compete for views and engagement. 20+ Premiere Pro Templates for Instagram (And Export Settings)